Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The burlap LOVE sign

Okay, here is my quick and easy LOVE sign made from burlap. I promise it is super easy and takes almost no time at all!

Some simple tools you'll need are scissors, a glue gun (and stick), burlap ( I used two shades, both were purchased at Wal-mart) and I used a shoe box lid. That's right, just laying around the house, didn't cost anything at all, simple shoe box lid. I painted it black but you can modify it however you choose. 

It's important that for the outside edge of your sign you buy WIRED burlap ribbon (sorry i covered that part up with my thumb :p) It's not completely necessary but it sure does make things a lot easier. 

Step 1: push the ribbon through the wire on 1 side only, thread it through to make as "ruffly" as desired.

keep threading it through..

okay you want to make sure you have enough to cover all the sides of the desired area

in this case, my shoe box lid ;p
now once you reach the end of the amount you need, cut the burlap ribbon and wrap the wire around the edge several times so the burlap doesn't come undone.

now i laid down my darker colored burlap

hot glued it onto my 'sign'

glued down my outer edge ribbon

and cut out the letters 'L' 'V' and 'E'. you could do the 'O' in burlap also but i wanted to add a flower to it.

now the finishing touches..

after i glued my letters down i used the edge of the ribbon to line all the letters so they would really pop!

now from here you can add whatever you want to complete your creation.

I made my own flower so the red would match my dining room :)
Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions or comment please leave them below! Good-bye until next time! 

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